Sunday, February 22, 2015

Take My Wife...

One thing that I am truly Thankful for is my wife. And I'm not just saying this because I know she reads my blog. (Not Juuuuust sayin.... Lovies!)

I work at a grocery store. I won't bother you with which one, because all you need to know is.... I WORK AT A FREAKING GROCERY STORE!

Some days are better than others. The weekends tend to suck. Thanks a lot to the pretentious customers that feel they know more about the reason organic gluten free banana bread is better than conventional gluten free banana bread. Add on top of that the same things you get at any job.

Ummm Yeeeeeeah... If you could read this in my voice, that'd be great.
There's the co-workers who act that this is high school. The fact you need to do all paperwork in triplicate because... well... because I said so. And, of course, supervisors that make you want to pull your hair out.

I could use this blog to complain about all those life's little annoyances. THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR PLACE! (entirely.) (Besides, that's the Brass Tap after work.)

After all that chite, I get home and within 5 minutes, all that melts away. My wife put the kid in my lap, grabbed me a beer and a Sloppy Joe. Netflix was running one of my favorite shows, Futurama. The only thing that could have made this homecoming better would be one of those sexy showers. (THERE IS STILL TIME REBECCA!!!)

Aaaaaanywho... It just reminded me how lucky I am to have my significant other. She is there to listen to me complain about not just the Kid, but everything else. There's a whole world outside these front doors that suck. She has the patience of an angel to sit there and just listen. She tries to fix what she can. And what she can't, she makes better by just being there.

Of course she's there with the Kid, too. I can wake her up at 5 am and say, "Hey, Woman. Take Your Child!" And after she's done laughing at me or punching me in the stomach for my insolence, she tends to, on occasion, take the kid and let me sleep. I love you so much, Honey.

I hope that if you are a first time dad that you too are enjoying the pleasures of having someone to help fix life's little problems.

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