Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Get Work Done Son! - 1. Multitask

My wife brought up a great point last night. She was home with the kid when I was at work. She said she tried to do dishes and some laundry, but Cori was fussy all day. Makes sense, Cor is teething and having, what I believe to be, the start of the separation anxiety stage. So, how do you get things done when the prince or princess just doesn't want to be let go?

I've been thinking about what are the best ways to get around that issue. I've come up with 3 systems that I have put in place, that seem to be working well. Number 1 is multitasking. THIS IS A MUST for all new parents. If you haven't had the chance to learn this skill, you NEED to.

I've been fortunate enough to have been trained in this skill for some time. During and after college, I was trained as a radio disc jockey. As a DJ, it's common place to have 3, 4, or in one case I can remember, 10 different tools to monitor all at once. Between computers for music, computers for information, phones, digital sound effect equipment, CDs, tapes, microphones, people in the studio and the soundboard its self, being a radio disc jockey is a tough job. You need to learn how to handle all of this information coming through at the same time. If you don't, the product that goes out over the air may sound like a big jumbled mess. Hell, if you miss engaging a certain button, you may not even have a product going out over the air.

This skill translates over all aspects of my life. From the minimal amount of multitasking being used while doing dishes and holding a conversation, to what has come to be called the Pompeii scenario. This involves feeding your babe, separating clothes to be washed into white, colors, and baby clothes, the doorbell ringing because the neighbor thinks your dog just bit her dog, (She's is crazy, there is a 6 foot, double-sided fence between them,) and the dogs still going at it in the back yard. Can't put the baby down, can't get the dogs if you get the door, can't get the door if you get the dogs, and this laundry is pissing me off. All while watching the movie Pompeii, which also pissed me off. (It was horrible, 2 stars. Out of 100.) (Good soundtrack, though.) I think the true test though is the Kobayashi Maru, but that is so terrible, only Vulcan minds can think that one up.

The point is, without multitasking, parenting can be tough. Ways to simply train yourself are as follows:
-Putting your kid on the floor, on the bed, or in a chair with a toy while cleaning up. You can remain engaged with them while still getting work done, Son!
-Setting them on the dryer and making it a game while you do the laundry. She'll love the vibrations and get a new sensory perception. Caution: This may frighten some, so be cautious while attempting.
-Yard work to do? If you happen to have a riding lawn mower, sitting on the lap and letting the tot drive is a great engaging activity. Make sure again to take outdoor precautions, (i.e. sun-lotion, hats, long-sleeves, etc.)
-Dishes need done? Maybe the baby needs a bath too? Do you have a double sink. Made this happen. After feeding time, I sat her in one half of the sink and the dishes in the other. Just make sure you don't confuse the soaps.
-Making an important phone call, and the kid just found out he can make dinosaur noises? Mirrors are amazing ways to show you what you look like, and have a kid think he's got a new friend! Mirror baby to the rescue! (What if this world is just one of many universes. Mirrors may be the way we can view into one... whoa.... So, our reflections may just be our best friends... Let your mind think about that one.)

No matter what you need to do, when adding a child to the mix, it can be tough. That's why Multitasking will help you accomplish any household task.

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