Friday, February 13, 2015

Get Work Done, Son! - 3. Timing

"Timing is Everything." Who said that? EVERY DAMN TEENAGER LOOKING FOR A QUOTE ON THE INTERNET EVER. But just because the Salutatorian is looking to out quote that smug little smile off Valedictorian Vicky's face, (Bitch), doesn't make it less true. (Seriously though, Vicky was a b to the itch and ya just couldn't scratch.) (UPDATE: Facebook research has concluded Vicky is no longer with us. She's not dead, bitch moved to Jolly Ol' En'land. At least she's not on this continent anymore.)

When it comes to taking care of the kid, I have found timing is everything. You need to make sure that you give yourself enough time for everything. If I have to be there at 4, I'll make sure we have everything we need at noon. 

Yesterday, I had to drop the Kid off with the babysitter. Shelly lives across town. In town, to get from my house to hers, it normally takes about 15 minutes. With traffic, maybe 20. Since the road I would normally take is currently being redone due to the rich people paving over the forest to build a copy-paste neighborhood, it takes roughly 25 minutes. Which, in comparison to many places I've lived is a drop in the bucket. So, I tend to leave about 40 minutes later. Why do I leave so early? Because of what happened.

I put Cori in her car seat. I had her bag, toys, and everything else in the car. I opened the door and heard the most guttural noise the Kid has made. I look down. Cori looks up. Compared to the cherry red face, her eyes looked with white out spilled on a tomato. We all know what that means.

After taking 10 minutes to clean up what I can best describe as sweet potato puree, we left at a time I would leave if it was just me. We arrived at the babysitter's house right on time. "Why isn't she wearing pants?" I was asked. ... I referred her to this blog.

Everything in life is about timing. Especially when it comes to kids. 

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