Wednesday, March 4, 2015

"You have a cold?" "Na, I got a kid."

Sorry I've been gone for the past week. I have been crazy sick. However, in sickness, I have had an EXPLOSION of new topics to blog. The first one comes from a Netflix binge. Being sick is tough enough. Being sick with a kid is a whole different ballgame.

You can't just lay in bed and sleep the day away. You can't just call in sick.

We were recently watching a tv show Netflix told me was 'Amazeballs'. (Think I should copy write Amazeballs.) The name was Terra Nova. (Available on Blu-ray/DVD or for instant streaming.) In the first episode, one of the main characters is asked a simple question: "You have a cold?" He replies with, what I can only describe as fatherly stoicism. "Na, I got a kid."

BOOM! THAT is what I'm taking about! The circle of sickness.

Were sicknesses are involved, life before kids, sick days were full of naps and NyQuil tranquility. (And puppy dogs and rainbows, Unicorns and ice cream cone rain clouds.) There was also a time I could go throw up in the toilet, and just lay there for an hour on the cold ground and just recover.

Now, with a 7 month old, it's throw up as soon as you can, get it over with, mouth wash quick, then run/stumble back to the kid and make sure she's okay.

My recovery is only one part to this equation. It's almost impossible to be in such local proximity to someone, like my daughter, and not get them sick. No matter how many flu shots you get. (Notice I did not talk about vaccinations. That is something I wholeheartedly agree with, but we'll talk about that later.) (Just one thing, my kid dies because you just don't like shots, ... well... then I will tell you all about my feelings about that.)

Kids are germ and disease magnets. I've only been a dad for a few months, but I have never had this many random coughs, nose runs, or just aches and pains. I am getting old, (I know this), but this is a lot in a short amount of time. I know who it's from.

She puts ANYTHING in her mouth. It's her way of learning. It goes to make sense that she would "pick up" a thing or 2.

AAAAAAAAnd with that 'punny' joke, I'll be off. Remember, it's not that you're sick. You've just got a kid.

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