Monday, March 9, 2015

Dr. Dad

These past 2 weeks have been pretty rough for us. First, I get sick to the point that I think I might need surgery. Next, my wife wakes me up by singing to a porcelain god. To top that off, the kid did what can best be described as something out of 'The Exorcist'... from both ends. So Unholy.

Normally, my wife plays the Dr. Mom role to a T. She makes it look easy. I just take full advantage of it. It is TRUE. I will admit it. I will let her take the kid, and sooth her on the couch all night long. Meanwhile, I'll be fast asleep in la-la land. And, Yes... I have done that a few times.

But there comes a time in every Dad's life where he steps it up takes on Dr. Dad responsibilities. For me, this week is that time.

As long as we're being honest, (which I can say I am about 98.943% of the time on this blog, even to the chagrin of my family and friends), I feel really guilty about letting my wife shoulder a great deal of that responsibility. So, when I see her sick or hurt, I not only am needed to step up, I do so with gusto!

Why don't I do it more often? (I guess this blog really is my therapy.) Because I do have a selfish streak. It's true. There are not many friends I wouldn't tell about my million dollar jackpot too. (Don't worry Guffy, you'd be the first I'd call.) (Hell, I'd send a jet for you first before I called.) (Sorry everyone that's not Guffy.)

You ask my wife, and I'm the perfect Dad. I engage her. I look after her in the morning while my wife's at work. I hold her and play with her. I know my wife would tell you because she tells me. A lot. However, I still feel kinda guilty that I don't do it more often.

So. I postulate, does not wanting to do more taking care of the kid, even when told I am doing so, in fact mean that I am doing better than I should be? ... Existentialism be damned, I want and shall do more! And that's why I am more than happy to play Dr. Dad. ...

For a little while any way.

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